Notice: Two School Land Acquisition Meetings

Two important meetings that affect the Issaquah School District’s attempt to secure property for the purpose of building new schools per the 2016 school bond.

Community Meeting on School Siting / 2016 Bond Update
Thursday, August 24 from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m., at Grand Ridge Elementary

Issaquah City Council Meeting
Tuesday, September 5 at 7:00 p.m. at City Council Chambers

The first meeting is a community meeting being held at Grand Ridge Elementary on August 24 from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. This meeting will mainly focus on the property in the Highlands adjacent to Swedish Hospital. We believe this property represents the best chance to site a school in the Highlands. Our goal is to hear community concerns regarding the size and type of schools we are building, growth in the region, and preservation of trees and explain our rationale, criteria, and vision for our future schools.

The second meeting is the Issaquah City Council meeting scheduled for 7 p.m. on Tuesday, September 5. The Issaquah School District is asking the City Council to approve zoning and code revisions we have requested. These zoning and code changes are needed in order to move forward with the Highland site as well as other property acquisitions. Without these changes, the District would be put in a position of asking for code variances that may or may not be approved on the property we purchase. If we purchased property and those variances were not approved for some reason, we would be left with property not suitable for a school. We have a fiduciary responsibility to our taxpayers and purchasing land without these assurances is too risky.

The Issaquah School Board voted in favor of the administration’s requests to the City of Issaquah at their August 9 regular meeting. You can listen to the discussion, public testimony, and the subsequent vote via podcast on our website at You are most welcome to listen to the entire podcast. However, the discussion regarding requested zoning changes begins at approximately the two hour and twelve minute (2:12) mark and you may forward the file to that point. Additionally, we have an FAQ posted on our website at

L. Michelle, APR
Executive Director of Communications